First Meeting as Housing Minister!

After being sworn in as Canada’s Minister of Housing, Infrastructure, and Communities, it was important for me to get back home to my own community to discuss how we can advance local solutions to our housing challenges.

Thank you to our local municipal leaders, community advocates, and provincial Minister Pat Dunn for an excellent conversation about how to leverage the new federal Housing Accelerator Fund to advance projects in communities like ours.

We’ve been able to support affordable housing projects in our region in recent years, including Coady’s Place in Pictou County or through our support for the Antigonish Affordable Housing Society, which is helping ensure dozens of families have a roof over their head. We’re going to continue this work to support more of our community members in the months ahead.

By engaging with communities and bringing all levels of government together, we can ensure that every Canadian has a safe and affordable place to call home.


Great Day at Fossil Farms!


Today I became Canada’s new Minister of Housing, Infrastructure, and Communities!