Highway 104 is now twinned and open for business!

Highway 104 is now twinned and open for business!

This project created hundreds of good paying jobs for several years, and used local companies based in Nova Scotia that put Nova Scotians to work.

We supported the project with a $90 Million federal investment. But far more important than the money behind the project, is the lives that it is going to save.

My whole life, I’ve watched stories unfold of another family losing a loved one to this dangerous stretch of road. I’d see first responders talk about the need to twin this highway to avoid the next tragedy.

I want to thank my friend, Joe MacDonald, Chief of the Barney’s River Fire Department, for his advocacy that got this project off the ground and to all of the first responders who serve our community.

Congratulations to everyone involved with this twinning project.

Safe travels!


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