Fighting climate change and making life more affordable!

More federal support is on the way to help fight climate change and make life more affordable!

Today, we announced more than $100 Million for Nova Scotia through the Low Carbon Economy Fund.

$60.5 Million will help families replace home heating oil systems with more energy efficient systems, such as heat pumps.

This program will help save families thousands of dollars a year by reducing their energy bills every month.

An additional $41.7 Million will go toward provincial initiatives that will help reduce emissions in Nova Scotia to achieve our 2030 climate targets and to reach net-zero by 2050.

These programs are in addition to our previous investments that provide $5000 to modest income households that transition from home oil to heat pumps, or the Greener Homes Grant, which will provide up to $10,000 for home energy efficiency upgrades.

These investments will help reduce pollution, create jobs for workers in our communities, and save households thousands of dollars. That’s something we can all get behind!

Town of Antigonish Efficiency Nova Scotia Ecology Action Centre


Happy Canada Day!


Another session in the books!