Meet Mike Timani!

Meet Mike Timani!

He is a Lebanese business owner who was born in Venezuela who came to Canada after fleeing the civil war in Lebanon.

He landed in Canada where he had few connections and little to his name. After working in the hospitality sector for many years, he moved to New Brunswick and made the decision to open a bakery.

He started making pita bread by hand and over the past three decades has grown his business, Fancy Pokket Bakery, into an employer that provides jobs to more than 70 people, and has become the largest producer of bagels, pita bread, tortillas, and flatbreads in Atlantic Canada.

I had the chance to visit Mike’s business last week while I was in New Brunswick and can tell you from experience that he makes a pretty awesome pita!

Thanks for the tour Mike, but more importantly, thanks for your commitment to Canada. You demonstrate the extraordinary value newcomers provide to our economy and our communities!


Celebrating 80 years of business!


Today is a big day for jobs in Nova Scotia!