Meet Nova Scotia’s Newest Speaker of the Legislature!

Congratulations Karla MacFarlane!

Karla and I are members of different political parties, but we represent some of the same communities. Over my time as an MP, she has been a pleasure to work alongside, and has become a friend.

Yesterday, she made history as a result of her being the first woman ever elected to serve as the Speaker of Nova Scotia’s provincial Legislature.

I have no doubt she will excel in her new role to the benefit not only of those who sit in the legislature, but to Nova Scotians more broadly, who will see a thoughtful person managing important political debates in an even-handed and civil manner.

As another kid born and raised Pictou County, I want to congratulate Karla on this remarkable accomplishment, and to Karla, as a friend, I want you to know I’m proud of you and look forward to continuing our work together.


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