New Approaches in Home Construction Right here in Pictou County

Building the homes our communities need will take new approaches to home construction.

I visited Eastcut Wood Building Solutions in the Town of Trenton, who is working with local communities to build efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly homes.

They are building the components of homes and buildings in a former manufacturing facility and are working toward the creation of an industrial campus that will employ hundreds of workers in good-paying jobs and that will use modern processes and technology to build the components of prefabricated homes and buildings.

I was able to meet the team and learn more about the work they are doing and hear more of their long-term plans for addressing our housing challenges, as well as how the federal government can be a reliable partner in making that happen.

Thanks to everyone at Eastcut for the tour. Looking forward to working together to get more homes built for families across the country!


There’s a New Playground in the East River Valley


Enabling Accessibility: $100,000 for MacDonald Rebekah Lodge