Meet Danny MacGillivray!

Meet Danny MacGillivray, executive director of Chad Transit and a long-standing champion for transportation for Pictou County!

When I first was elected in 2015, Danny approached me and highlighted the need for more public transit around Pictou County which will help seniors, low income families, people living with disabilities, and other members of the public access important services in our region, whether it is getting to a medical appointment, picking up groceries, or taking advantage of social events in our communities.

Thanks to his hard work and dedication, today is a great day for CHAD Transit, and for Pictou County, with news of a nearly $700,000 federal investment going towards improved bus services for local residents.

The funding announced this morning will support the purchase of 5 new accessible vehicles, and represents the largest federal contribution in the organization’s history and will provide better and more frequent transit services than our community has had in years.

Thanks again Danny for all of your hard work for Pictou County! This investment will help the people of Pictou County for years to come.


Communities would not be what they are without the incredible people who make them feel like home.


Thank you Northumberland Regional High School!