Advocating for Mental Health

Mental health was one of the top issues we heard about during the last federal election campaign. Since that time, I’ve learned an enormous amount about our communities’ unmet needs and have become an advocate to improve mental health policy at the federal level.

I was humbled last night to be named this year’s Mental Health Champion in the Parliamentarian category by the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health

One area of focus I’ve taken on involves improving our understanding of PTSD and Operational Stress Injuries for Veterans and First Responders. I’m deeply encouraged by the creation of our new national action plan to better protect the mental health of our nation’s public safety personnel.

At home in Nova Scotia, I continue to see community members go without the support they need. I’m hopeful that our transfer of $130 Million in dedicated mental health funding to the Province, combined with numerous contributions to community based initiatives, will help make a difference to those in need.

Thank you for this kind recognition. I look forward to continuing my advocacy on this important subject.


Conserving our Wild Atlantic Salmon


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