Equality Matters on International Women’s Day

Central Nova MP Sean Fraser invites Canadians to take a stand for gender equality on social media and beyond

March 8, 2017 – OTTAWA, ONTARIO

On behalf of Maryam Monsef, Minister of Status of Women, Central Nova MP Sean Fraser, today invited Canadians to join the movement for gender equality in honour of International Women’s Day on March 8.

Canada’s theme for International Women’s Day 2017 is Equality Matters, which highlights the benefits of gender equality for all Canadians by recognizing that the world needs the talents of everyone – women, men, girls and boys – to reach its full potential. Gender stereotypes and discrimination hold everyone back.

The Government of Canada is calling on all Canadians to get online and tell the world why equality matters to them using the hashtag #EqualityMatters. They can also help to break stereotypes and challenge assumptions by sharing a series of mythbusting infobites on their social media accounts. Additionally, Canadians are encouraged to tag the people in their lives who inspire them to keep working to advance gender equality.

As Canada celebrates the 150th anniversary of Confederation, taking a stand for gender equality is especially important. Just like International Women’s Day, Canada 150 is an important opportunity for all of us to come together and recognize women’s achievements in our communities, our nation, and around the world. But this day is also about taking the time to reflect on the work that we still need to do to achieve gender equality.

Quick Facts
• March 8 is International Women’s Day — a time to take stock of our progress towards gender equality and to honour the contributions women have made, and continue to make, in Canada and around the world.
• In 2017, Canada’s theme for International Women’s Day is Equality Matters.
• Canadians can celebrate International Women’s Day and join the movement for gender equality on social media using the hashtag #EqualityMatters. They can challenge assumptions about gender equality with our mythbusters, and they are encouraged to tag the people in their lives who inspire them to work for gender equality.

“All around the world, women and men, girls and boys are recognizing that gender equality doesn’t happen on its own. We must all play a part in challenging sexist attitudes and behaviours that hold everyone back. This International Women’s Day, the Government of Canada is inviting all Canadians to stand up for gender equality – whether it’s online, at work or at home. Equality matters because every person deserves the chance to share their talents with the world.”

— Maryam Monsef, P.C., M.P. Minister of Status of Women

“Equality Matters today, and everyday, because diversity can be our greatest strength. When all of our citizens have the opportunity to contribute, we all benefit from their knowledge, experience, and unique perspectives. Welcoming, encouraging, and inviting gender equality betters our entire community.”

— Sean Fraser, Member of Parliament, Central Nova

Related Products
• Information on International Women’s Day

Additional Links
• Information about Status of Women Canada at women.gc.ca

Follow us on Twitter: @Women_Canada


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