House of Commons Page Program/Programme des Pages

The deadline for the House of Commons Page Program / Programme des Pages is quickly approaching, and I would be thrilled to see a another student from Central Nova in the program!

Each year, 40 students from across Canada are selected for the program, where they gain first-hand knowledge of Canadian parliamentary procedure, while working in the House of Commons. The deadline for the Page Program is this Monday December 5th, by 11:59 PM EST. A shout out to Juliana Khoury, from Antigonish, who served in the 2015-2016 Page program.

You can find all of the details, including timelines and how to apply, here.

I'd also like to highlight that the deadline for the Senate Page Program. Under the current Page Team, you may recognize Iain Sellers, who is from New Glasgow, and is currently serving as one of 15 students from across Canada in the Senate Page Program.

The deadline for the Senate Page Program is Sunday, January 8, 2017, 11:59 p.m. EST. For details, please click here.

Please feel free to tag or share with students who you think might be interested.


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