MP Sean Fraser responds to harassment of Albertan MLA Sandra Jansen

Have a listen to my question in the Status of Women Committee to the White Ribbon campaign in light of the hate and harassment that my provincial counterpart Sandra Jansen MLA, Calgary - North West has been subjected to in recent days.

As the Member of Parliament for Central Nova, I reject in the most violent terms the misogyny that MLA Jansen continues to face.

I recognize that from time to time, some of you may disagree with something I say or what the Government's position on a given issue may be. As a result, I will face criticism on occasion. I signed up for this when I put my name forward to run for office. As a public figure, I recognize that I am always subject to public scrutiny and when this is done appropriately and with respect, this is a healthy exercise in democracy.

However, I will never be told to "return to the kitchen" nor will I ever be burdened of the violence-laden derogatory labels that society intrinsically links to my gender.

This is where we must draw the line.

It is no longer by virtue of being a public official that MLA Jansen is hearing these things - it is because she is a woman. It is sexist. It is discriminatory. It is wrong and we all lose when we give discrimination or hatred a public platform.

We are responsible not only for our own discriminatory acts, but also for those instances when we witness an injustice and choose to do nothing. We must not be idle bystanders. We all have a duty to confront this kind of hatred and misogyny in our communities and our country.

MLA Jansen, you have my full support, and that of my caucus colleagues on the federal Standing Committee on the Status of Women. Pam Damof Anita Vandenbel Karen Ludwig, MP New Brunswick Southwes Marc Serré Eva Nassif.


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Sean Fraser speaks to Bill C 238