Affordable Childcare Agreement reached with Province of Nova Scotia!

New Affordable Childcare Agreement made with the Province of Nova Scotia!

Every child deserves the best possible start in life, and parents should have the ability to build both a family and a career. Yet, too many Canadians lack access to affordable, inclusive, and high quality childcare. The COVID-19 pandemic has also made clear that without access to childcare, parents - and women in particular - cannot fully participate in the workforce.

The recent federal budget included an historic investment of $30 Billion to establish a national childcare and early learning program. A national program of this scope requires a strong partnership with the provinces to implement $10/day child care.

I'm thrilled to see that our government has signed an agreement today with Premier Rankin and the Province of Nova Scotia to make this a reality here at home.

Today's announcement will see a $605 Million investment to establish an affordable childcare system that will cut the cost of childcare in half by next year, and bring the costs down to an average of $10 per day by 2026.

Providing affordable access to quality childcare and early childhood education has extraordinary positive impacts on our communities and our economy. Without access to childcare, many households decide they are better off having one parent stay at home, rather than pursuing their career. More often than not, it is women who take more time away from work when they have young families. This phenomenon limits their household income and can diminish their long-term earning capacity.

Providing access to affordable and high quality childcare options will allow more parents, and women in particular, to join or return to the workforce. This not only enhances gender equality, but helps grow our economy by allowing more employers to find the talent they need to succeed.

In addition, enhanced access to childcare can make a positive difference for the kids who take part in the programs, as those who benefit from early childhood education opportunities show more successful outcomes over the course of their lives.

Our household is one with young kids and two working parents. I know first hand about the challenges of balancing childcare and work. Today’s announcement is transformational for our province, for families, and for our children.

I can't wait to see it in action!


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