Disastrous Impact of Residential Schools I More Bodies Discovered

It's been just weeks since the bodies of 215 Indigenous children were found on the grounds of a former Residential School in Kamloops.

Today, we have learned that hundreds more have been discovered on the site of the former Marieval Residential School in Saskatchewan by the Cowessess First Nation.

For so many Canadians, the news of these discoveries is shocking. Sadly, for many Indigenous communities it does not come as a surprise at all, but rather a reminder of the trauma and injustice they have lived through for generations, and which continues today.

This latest discovery will not be the last. As searches of former Residential Schools across Canada continue, we can expect further horrific discoveries.

But if we are to advance reconciliation, it is essential that we uncover the truth for which we must make amends, no matter how difficult or shameful it may be.


There are crisis and mental health resources available if you need to talk:

IRSSS Toll-Free Line: 1-800-721-0066

24hr National Indian Residential School Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419


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