New Glasgow, NS – Central Nova MP Sean Fraser is looking for your help to show thanks to local veterans.

On Remembrance Day, following the service in Antigonish, MP Fraser will be visiting the Northumberland Veterans Unit at Sutherland Harris Memorial Hospital in Pictou, to pay his respects and participate in their afternoon service. With him, he would like to bring cards of thanks to the 20 veterans who reside in the unit.

MP Fraser is asking constituents to sign or make cards, including drawings from children or local artists, which will then be delivered to the veterans on Remembrance Day.

“My grandfather and my wife’s grandfather both served our country, and I have the most profound respect for those who have served, and continue to serve our country. I’m pleased to do anything that I can do to show my own gratitude, and help others express that to those who served our country,” said Fraser.

“This project is a great way for the people of our communities to say a sincere thank you to our Second World War and Korean War Veterans. The veterans willingly gave up their lives for a free and peaceful Canada. It’s our duty as Canadians to ensure that their memories are never forgotten,” said Dennis Chipman, recreation therapist with Nova Scotia Health Authority for the hospital’s veterans unit.

To ensure confidentiality and privacy, the individual names of the veterans cannot be shared, however the staff at the unit will work with MP Fraser to distribute to the veterans.

Cards can be dropped off to MP Fraser’s New Glasgow office or mailed postage-free to MP Sean Fraser, 2A-115 MacLean Street, New Glasgow, NS B2H 4M5. MP Fraser asks that all cards be mailed by October 27th to allow time for mail processing and collection. If any are received after Remembrance Day, they will be delivered to the unit at a later date.

Those looking for other ways to honour our veterans or more information are encouraged to visit To post a message to those currently serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, please visit, and at the bottom of the page, under ‘Contact Us’, select ‘Write to the Troops’.


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