New funding will help support a vibrant gender equality movement across Canada

Despite the important milestones witnessed over the past several decades, women, girls, and non-binary people still face hardships. A lot more work remains for gender equality to become a reality in Canada. By investing in a strong and thriving gender equality movement today, we are laying the foundation for gender equality tomorrow.

On behalf of the Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister of Status of Women, Sean Fraser, Member of Parliament for Central Nova today announced Government of Canada funding for a project that will advance gender equality in Antigonish. The announcement was made as part of a community discussion surrounding sexualized violence.

The Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre & Sexual Assault Services Association will receive $395,000 in Government of Canada funding for their project to end violence against women and girls.

This three-year project will work to prevent sexual violence against women and girls in the rural County of Antigonish, Nova Scotia. The organization is working with the Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation, St. Francis Xavier University, and the Strait Regional School Board to work towards systemic change to better recognize and address sexual violence. Community stakeholders will be engaged and will develop and implement action plans to sexual violence against women and girls.

The Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre & Sexual Assault Services Association provides services to individual women and adolescent girls in Antigonish and surrounding counties, Nova Scotia. Services include crisis and ongoing problem-solving support, information, advocacy, accompaniment and referrals.

This initiative is part of an $18 million investment by our Government. Its purpose is to support grassroots organizations and support 150 women leaders across the country who will work together to support feminist action for gender equality at the national level. The network is being convened by the Canadian Women’s Foundation.

In October 2016, Status of Women Canada invited organizations to propose projects that advance gender equality across Canada. As of June 2017, some 50 projects have been approved for over $18 million in Funding to Advance Gender Equality. This is the most funding to ever be approved through a Status of Women Canada call for proposals. Approved projects will take place over a period of three years.

“As we reflect on our history this year, it is important to remember the hardships women, girls, gender non-conforming people, and others faced, as well as celebrate their successes in making gender equality a reality. A lot more work remains to live in a country where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential. We need to consider the legacy we want to leave future generations of Canadians, one that includes gender equality. By acting now, we can support a vibrant gender equality movement that will make lasting progress toward equality, for the next 150 years and beyond.”

-The Honourable Maryam Monsef, P.C., M.P., Minister of Status of Women

“I am proud of our government’s commitment to gender equality and thrilled to see the work that is being done with women and girls in the community. Through this new project, AWRCSA will work to remove some of the barriers that hold us all back from reaching gender equality. We will all benefit from their efforts.”

Sean Fraser, Member of Parliament for Central Nova

“Sexualized violence is an issue that affects individuals and families throughout our province. Our communities are working to end sexualized violence. The Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre, Strait Regional School Board, St. Francis Xavier University and Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation have all been working on improving responses to and on preventing sexualized violence. We are learning together and from each other about promising approaches as we make our communities safer and more responsive.”

Lucille Harper, Executive Director at the AWRC & SASA

Quick Facts

• Status of Women Canada is funding over $18 million in projects to advance gender equality across Canada .
• The Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre & Sexual Assault Services Association will receive $395,000 in Government of Canada funding for their project to end violence against women and girls. Through this three-year project, the project.
• The Women’s Program at Status of Women Canada supports eligible organizations to carry out projects to advance equality by addressing systemic barriers that contribute to gender inequality in Canada.

Associated Links

• Information on Funding to Advance Gender Equality in Canada
• Status of Women Canada – Women’s Program
• Canadian Women’s Foundation


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